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Where is Baby Friendly in Lowestoft

Some advice on breastfeeding in public

I didn't think it was justified to include establishments which allow breastfeeding as you should be allowed to breastfeed your baby absolutely anywhere. If anybody complains about you breastfeeding in their presence you should say "where am I supposed to do it then?" if they reply with "in the toilets" you then should reply with "would you eat your dinner sitting on the toilet?". If any member of staff asks you to stop breastfeeding in their establishment tell them that if you stop feeding your baby he/she will cry for the whole time that you are in there and you will tell everyone else in the shop/cafe etc why your baby is crying so much and who caused it.

At the end of it all though, the owner of the establishment has the right to demand that you leave if you are preventing customers from entering his establishment or you are offending a customer in any way.

Breasts are intended for breastfeeding.

Some links to helpful websites

La Leche League

National Childbirth Trust

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers

If you have problems with breastfeeding in any Lowestoft establishment and you are too shy to do any of the above email me and I will go along and complain for you.

Email me

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